Where’s My Website? ... Getting Found in Google

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Where’s My Website? ... Getting Found in Google

The majority of businesses shopping for a website marketing company start out on the back foot. You feel like you’ve been conned. You slam the door on your perfectly nice website design company, who just carried out the infamous magic trick of creating a lovely new website you can see, but which is completely invisible to strangers!



You can’t believe it! How could you have been so foolish? You’re a national retail chain! Your jingle is looping on the radio stations! Your logo is outside Les Mills! Your best looking employee is raving about you in between Desperate Housewives and FairGo! But, where’s your website? You’re not getting found in Google!?

You think that your web developer is some kind of con-artist; and if that’s true, then we– the web marketing company – are his sidekick. We’re the ones who tell you what it will cost and how long it will take to pull the bunny out of the deep dark hat.

We keep talking about “getting you to the top”. You suspect that even if we keep our promises and get you there, we’ll throw you off. We tell you we’re the solution to your invisibility, but you can’t help suspecting and resenting us.

Why it’s ok to resent us

At the start of the internet, if your brother created a website for you and it had the word “clothes” in it lots of times, your website would have shown up in Google and other search engines when people typed in “clothes”. Now, it’s not so easy. In fact, it’s pretty damn hard. You have to actually invest in a company who specialises in telling Google what you’re about before Google will even remotely notice you. It's called "SEO" or 'search engine optimisation'.

Why gossip is good

What your website actually says has become less and less important. What the internet says about you has become more important. Hearsay is key. Who you know is everything. It’s a case of popularity, and it’s our job to make you the most popular kid in school. We spread the word, and then make sure the message doesn’t get muddled. Your reputation is at stake, so you have to invest in us.

Why invest in web marketing?

Because, in the end, we can pull an elephant out of the hat.